Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving 2012

As I sit here on the couch drinking a glass of wine watching the news on Thanksgiving Eve I am reflecting on all the many things that I am so fortunate to have in my life. In the past 12 days I have tried to post something on facebook each day about the things that I thankful for. These are just a few of them because I couldn't begin to list everything because there are just so many. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams. No words can ever describe just how grateful I am for the family & friends that I have in my life. Each of you help me make it through the good & bad times. God has placed some pretty special people in my life and I just could not imagine what my life would be without you.  Not sure what 2012 is going to bring but whatever it is I know that God will be with me and will guide me in which path to take.
‎1 - The most important thing I'm thankful for is that Jesus Christ is my Savior. Also that God gave us his son. Without them I would be nothing. Praising him every single day.

‎2 - I am so thankful for my husband, Robert Jay Hudson. The day he came into our lives was one of the best blessings from God for me & my 2 children. Even though he could have walked away & chosen an easier way of life he chose to come into a ready-made family and love 2 children as if they were his. This man has given so much of himself to take care of his family. After 15 years I love him more than ever. Rob you are my rock and help keep me grounded in this crazy world.

‎3 - I'm thankful that I was chosen to be the mother to my beautiful daughter, Jessica. I couldn't be more proud of the young woman you have become & it just warms my heart to watch you being such a wonderful mother. We have had some bumps in the road but we have been able to overcome them. I love bring your mom baby girl.

‎4 - I'm thankful that God blessed me to be the mother to an amazing young man, Justin Abbott. Couldn't be more proud of the man he is becoming. Looking forward to seeing all his dreams come true. I love you buddy.

‎5 - I'm thankful for my sweet granddaughter, Brooklyn Grace. This little girl has stolen her Granny's heart. I hope I can be half the Granny that my Mom was to her grand kids. So looking forward to watching her grow & spoiling her rotten.

‎6 - I'm thankful to my brother in law, Mike and sister, Carman L Smith for taking such great care of my father. Mike is the main care taker and we as a family couldn't have asked for anyone better than Mike. I love you both but even more for your tireless efforts.

‎7 - I'm thankful for my 4 siblings. Once my mother passed away 10 years ago it seems that we lost our way as a family. Now that we are all getting older I am finding the need to reconnect with them and build a closer relationship with each of them. For the last few months I have enjoyed getting together & reconnecting with my oldest sister, Wendy S. Adams. Looking forward to getting together in the future and having great conversations. Can't thank my other sister Carman L Smith for the many conversations throughout the years. Just having you to listen and guide me has been so reassuring. Don't get to see my oldest brother, Ricky C Lowrimore but a few times a year. However, what time I do get to spend with him is so rewarding. It seems the one that I have the hardest time connecting with is the baby of the family, Dino. No matter what kind of relationship we have, I will always love him and wish him nothing but the best in life. Thank you to each of you for helping shape me into who I am today. I love each of you.

‎8 - I'm thankful for my niece, Crystal Gibson & her family. Wished we lived closer so I could see them more often. She is a great Mom and her kids, Cory, Savannah & Hannah are some of the best kids you will ever meet. Looking forward to spending time with them at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even though I don't get to see my other nieces & nephews much, I love each of them and wish we could all get together more often.

‎9 - Thankful that God gave the gift of knowledge & healing to doctors & nurses along with 24 hour pharmacies. My sweet Brooklyn has an ear infection & hasn't been her usual happy self since yesterday. Getting her some antibiotics to make her feel better.

‎10 - I'm thankful for my baby Sampson. Love coming home to him every day because he is always waiting at the front door for me. His love is unconditional. He has been having seizures lately so he is off to the vet today. Praying it isn't anything serious because I love this little doggie so much & can't imagine him not being in our life.

‎11 - I'm thankful that I have a job. Absolutely love my co-workers, bottlers & customers. When it gets so insane, these are the people that keep me sane and level headed. Not sure what the future holds but the last 23 years has helped shaped who I am today.

‎12 - I'm thankful for great neighbors Dane G. Henderson, Meg A. Henderson, Seth, & Doli. They are not just neighbors but will always be a part of our family. The moment we meet them we knew they were going to be special to us. In addition to them we also have other wonderful neighbors that have been here with us for the past 20 years. Having wonderful neighbors makes a home more than just a home but a place to look forward to coming to each day.

13 - I'm thankful for my in-laws, Roy & Linda Hudson. Couldn't ask for a better farther & mother in-law. They welcomed me & my kids into their lives with open arms. Even though they are not my kid’s biological grandparents, they consider them their grandparents. I couldn't love two people more. Thank you for loving us unconditional.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Life as a Granny...

It so hard to believe that my sweet grand baby is 10 weeks young.  It seems like it was just yesterday that our family welcomed her to this world.  How quickly time flies.  Everyday she seems to be growing like a weed.  I took vacation the week after labor day and had to take her to the doctor for a rash.  She was 7 weeks and weighed in at 8 lbs 11 oz. 

At her two month appointment last week she weighed 10 lbs and was 20 3/4" long.  She has come such a long way from 5lbs 11" and 18" long. 

When I don't see her for a few days it seems that she has grown so much.  Brooklyn is starting to makes sounds and smile at the person talking to her.  The other day I picked her up from daycare and she was sleeping in the bouncer.  When she heard my voice she woke up and smiled at me.  This granny's heart just melted.  I try to go visit her at least once during the week for lunch just to cuddle and love up on her. 

Little Miss Brooklyn Grace sure has stolen her Granny, Granddaddy and Bubba's (Uncle Justin) heart.  We are so looking forward to watch this sweet baby girl grow and being such an important part of our life.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Cabbage Patch Doll

Yesterday we welcomed our new addition to the family.  She arrived at 4:47 PM, weighed 5lbs 12 oz and was 18"long.  It was a very long day for everyone.  We arrived at Lexington Hospital at 5AM and they immediately started getting her ready to start labor.  She had started having contractions during the night.  Dr. Lyman went ahead and gave her a epidural but it never seemed to work.  For some reason she was having pressure in an unusual spot and as time went by it only got worse.  After 8 hours she still had not dilated so a decision was made to do a c-section.  All during this time the babies heart beat was good so there were no concerns.

With 11 family members taking up half of the small waiting room on the 2nd floor at Lexington Hospital we waited for what seemed forever.  Around 5:45PM our little cabbage patch doll was brought out for us to admire.  She was so tiny and had a head full of dark hair.  At this time there was 16 family members in front of the nursery window all admiring our new addition.

After what seemed like an eternity I was able to go back and see my baby girl.  She was so exhausted and asked me if I knew that the cord had been wrapped around her neck twice.  No, I had not been told that, so we cried together and I said a thankful prayer to our heavenly father.  The epidural never did work so a choice had to be made to either put her to sleep or get a spinal tap.  Jessica begged them to not put her to sleep to give her the spinal tap.  They did and she was able to be awake when Addison/Brooklyn (as this point I am not 100% sure what her name is because Daddy is saying Addison and Mommy is saying Brooklyn).  It was a tough delivery for my baby girl.

Finally around 8:30PM she and the baby were brought to the room.   They wanted her to start nursing right away but our little cabbage patch doll just was to content to eat.  So finally at 9:30 we were able to come in and hold her.  She is just so tiny and beautiful.

Yesterday started a new journey for me that I am so looking forward to this new chapter in my life.  Jessica I am so proud of you.  You did amazing and I love both you so much.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Letter to My Daughter


To my baby girl,

In just a few days you will start one of the most gratifying journeys of your life, becoming a parent to a precious baby girl.

It seems just like yesterday that I was getting the news that I was pregnant with you. How those 9 months flew by. I loved being pregnant and feeling you move in my belly. Each day I fell more in love with you. We made the decision to not find out what sex you were. Your name was all picked out. If you had been a boy you would have been a Jr. At 2 AM on April 21, 1988 my water broke and at 1:00 PM one of the greatest moments of my life occurred, you were born.

On Friday as you prepare to have a beautiful daughter; there are so many things I want to tell you. I have loved helping you pick out things for the nursery, planning your baby shower, shopping and just helping you get ready for this new gift from God. I raised you to be smart and independent, and I know these traits will help you be a wonderful mother. This is a special time for me, too, as I look forward to the birth of my first grandchild.

A little piece of advice, try to enjoy this important time in your life. Keep a journal to remember all of it, even the parts that are painful or scary or disgusting. One day you will look back and be able to cry or laugh at it all. All of these things are part of a larger story that you will get to experience only this once. Even if you have other children, the first time is so special.

You will receive lots of advice from me, friends and perfect strangers. Some of it you will agree with and some you won’t. You are the Mother so what you decide is all that matters. Go with your gut because it is usually right. Have fun and enjoy this wonderful new life with your precious baby girl. She will grow up so fast and it will be time for her to go off to college.

I love you so much and look so forward to what the future has for you, your daughter and our small family.

Love always,


Children too are a gift from the LORD, the fruit of the womb, a reward.” – Psalm 127:3

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Past...

My new car has satellite radio and I have fallen in love with it.  The reason I love it is because I don't listen to music, only talk radio. The only time I listen to music (country) is when there is nothing on free radio.  Years ago Dr. Laura was on one of the local AM radio stations and I loved to listen to her.  No, I don't agree with everything she has to say but allot of her stuff makes sense.

Today I was off so I was running errands and listening to Dr. Laura on XM radio.  She made a comment or more like a statement to someone that really struck a cord with me.  "Don't let your past control your future".  How true is this!!  I know so many people that let their past determine what or how they live their life today.  I look at this as only an excuse to not take control of your life.  Yes, everyone has had something bad happen to them at some point, (divorce, something from childhood, a bad relationship, etc) but if we allow them to control how we live our lives today, then we have let that situation control you.  You are the only that can control your destiny!!!

So many things have happened to me in my 42 years here on earth, both good and bad.  I am determined to learn by them all and make my life the best it can be.  I can't do anything about the past.  If I have wronged anyone by my actions or words, I am truly sorry and I ask for your forgiveness.  All I can do at this time is try to be the best I can be whether it is a a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend or even an enemy. 

I'm closing with this passage from the bible:

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,   Philippians 3:13


Monday, May 16, 2011

Many Blessings...

The last two weekends have been busy but so full of many blessings. 

Last weekend on Saturday I walked at Southern Wesleyan University which is located in Central, SC for my BSBA.  I was fortunate to have by husband, daughter, son, Ally and wonderful in-laws Roy & Linda there to share this joyous occasion with me.  Now I just have to decide what my next steps are.  Gonna take some time off for the summer to enjoy it and saying a daily prayer for guidance in the career department.  I have faith that God will put me exactly where he wants me to be.  Also considering going for my Master's degree in the fall.  Again, I am putting my future all in God's hands because I know he will not guide me wrong.  Lastly, I am truly going to miss all 16 of my classmates that I have grown to care so much about in the last 2 years. Micha, Lynda, Alica, Steven, Michelle, Curtis, Shirley, Mary M, Stephanie, Paul, Stacy, Natasha, Dave, Renee, Mary A & especially Jason.  I wish each of you lots of luck in your future endeavors.

Mother's Day is always special but I can't help but think of my Mother.  Not a day goes by that I don't miss her and it would always make my day to try to make this day a special one for her.  This year both of my wonderful children spent the entire day with me which in itself is a gift to me especially now that they are young adults with their own lives.  Rob & the kids surprised me with a Nook color.  I absolutely love it and looking so forward to taking full advantage of it with the free time I am hoping to have now that I am done with school.  Next years Mother's day will be extra special because I will be a grandmother to a beautiful baby girl.

This Saturday we were invited to a graduation party for one of my classmates, Jason.  We had such a wonderful time.  His family made us feel so welcome.  Let's put it this way, I felt so at home I even did karaoke which I have never done.  Thanks to the Dull family for hosting such a great event. 

On Sunday we went to our nieces, Emma Kate's dedication at church.  She did so well and looked so pretty in her dress.  It meant so much to me & Rob to be a part of this wonderful experience.  I am so proud of her Mom for raising her to know God in a personal way.  Sometimes God has a way of showing us just how amazing he is at the most unexpected times.  Sunday was one of these days.  The preacher spoke the truth about a difficult subject for some but it was so inspiring and touched my heart.  I was praising the lord the entire time.  An angel also came across my path on this blessed day.  She knew just what to say at just the right time.  My heart was touched by the preacher but was warmed by the angel.  He knew just what I needed and it just made my faith in him so much stronger

I want to close by sharing the following scripture.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. - Ephesians 4:32


Monday, April 25, 2011

New Beginnings

It is now May and so far 2011 has brought many new beginnings in my life.  In a earlier post I talked about making goals this year instead of new year resolutions.  So far I have managed to accomplish a few more.
  • Graduate Cum Laude on May 7 with a BSBA
  • Work on my relationship with my daughter
  • Worry less about things I have no control over
  • Get braces - will be off in about 2 months
  • Be more positive
  • Live a more Christian Life
After a long 2 years I am finally graduating on May 7th with honors.  It has been so rewarding and I think I am going to miss the challenge.  Now I have to find something to fill in the free time that I haven't had in such a long time.  Next I have to consider if a Master's degree is in my future.  Truly would rather work on a new path in regards to my career.   Saying lots of prayers for guidance on this one.

My relationship with my daughter is improving.  We are spending more time together which makes me so happy.  She will be giving me my first grandchild, a baby girl named Brooklyn, sometime in August.  It was exciting going to the Dr with her for the ultrasound to find out it was going to be a girl.  How things have changed since she was born.  I look so forward to holding her for the very first time because I already love her.  Jessica will be an amazing mom. 

Once I put my total faith in GOD and accepted that there are some things that I just have no control over, I very seldom worry.  This has been much easier than I expected,  Not worrying so much has helped me be a much more positive person.  I use to expect the worst to always happen which made me only worry more.  Today I take each day with a new outlook and expect great things to occur.  When they don't I don't sweat it because unless it is something I can control there is no use in bringing myself down.  I am loving life so much with God's guidance.

It has been a year since I got braces and hoping that they will be off in less than two months.  Prior to braces, I never smiled showing my teeth.  I hated my smile and how I looked.  Looking forward to being able to show off my bright whites without being ashamed.

We still haven't found a home church but we have made several visits.  I know that GOD will place us in the right one soon so that we can start to build onto our faith.  We truly miss attending Fairlawn Methodist and miss the many friends that we made there.  Mine & Rob's relationship has gotten stronger as our faith has grown.  I so look forward to seeing what God has in store for us.  He is truly amazing.

I will end this post with the following bible quote in regards to our enemies.  Love and pray for them.  They are the ones that need it the most.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.
(Matthew 5:44)