Friday, July 23, 2010


It's Friday and normally I love them but today had a rough part to it.   Just do not understand how some people choose to be the way they are.  There is so much I would love to say but I do not want to say something that I may regret later.  The main thing is that someone tried to bully me today in a public setting and it really shocked me.  I think I handled myself well but the shock of it made me so mad that I cried.  Those that know me know that I am a emotional person and can cry at a drop of a needle.  However, I have learned not to be so emotional in certain circumstances and have done very well but not today.  Not sure how I will handle this next week.  Do I do what this person didn't do and take them aside and in a private setting to tell them how I feel about what they did to me?  Do I ignore it and just be uncomfortable whenever I see this person?   Not sure if anyone has ever confronted this person and told them how they feel about how they treat others.  The consequence could be bad for me if it I choose to say something. 

Everyone have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Never take things for granted.

Yesterday there was an accident in town on a road that my daughter travels often and a person was killed. Today I learned it was a beautiful 21 year old young lady. Learning of this was so heartbreaking. I cannot imagine what her family is going through. My children have always been my life and the thought of something happening to one of them is my worst nightmare. Why did this one accident affect me more than normal? Maybe it is because my daughter is 22, just a year older than this young woman.

People take so many things for granted. Tomorrow is never promised to any of us and hearing this horrible news made me realize just how precious our time on earth is. I am sure that this young lady thought she had the world in her arms and her mother had so many dreams for her. I am a Christian and am not scared of death because I know what is waiting on me one day in the heaven above. However, just the thought of one of my children going before me is so hard to think about. Cannot tell you how many times I have told both of them that they should always think about everything they say or do. There may come a time when you say or do something that cannot be taken back because the person you hurt may not be here when you are ready to say you are sorry.

I have the family of Sarah Anne Marriner in my thoughts and prayers. May the strength of GOD be with you during this most difficult time. To all of my family, friends, co-works, acquaintances and everyone that I know, I love you all. If I have every hurt you in any way. I am sorry.  Give your loved ones a tighter hug today or tell them you love them one more time because in a instant our world can change.

GOD bless everyone.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Home Projects

We are working on a big home project.  It all began with new French Doors in the dining room.  This is something that I have wanted for a very long time.  Fortunately it was a weekend project.  Since Jessica has moved out and Justin moved into her old room. We are making his old room into a office/guest room.  It took Rob forever to fix the walls that Justin tried to work on many years ago.  I am so proud of the work that he accomplished.  It is now painted and we then moved moved to picking out laminate flooring.  Choosing a color was so difficult.  I picked out one color/style and when we went to purchase it, they were out of it.  The new color/style I choose is much better than what I had originally chosen.  I am so glad that they were out of the original one I wanted because I am much happier with my second choice.  Justin was off one weekend and he got the bedroom completed.  It looks so good.  Now we are in the hallway upstairs.  Painting the walls the same color as the office/guest bedroom, a brown.  Next we will put the laminate floors down in the hallway.  Not sure if we will work on the bathroom or start on the living & dining room.  I want to do the bathroom but Rob isn't so sure about it.  The living/dining room is the one project that is going to be hard to work around.  Again I am so proud of how great Rob is doing with everything.  It all has to be done before September when hunting season starts so that we will be ready for our big family get together on Christmas Day.  Pictures will be posted soon.


Here are some pictures:

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Sometimes someone hurts you so bad that you have to make the choice to remove them from your life. It is a difficult decision but you know in your heart it is the best thing to do. Maybe it is because you know that you have to protect yourself from anymore damage that may not be able to be undone. I feel that I have no choice but to make this most heart wrenching choice. My love for this person is incredible. The pain that I have experienced due to this person’s words and actions in the past year cannot be described with words. This decision is not something I am doing easily or lightly. It is the most difficult decision I have ever made, even more difficult than the decision to pursue divorce from my first husband. The lies and disrespect have gotten out of hand. One day this person will regret their words and actions. If it ever comes to that I hope it is not too late. Some people may not agree with what I am doing. First, until you walk in my shoes, do not judge me. Second, after many prayers and soul searching, I have to do this for my own good, not for the other person. I will always love you, hope that all of your dreams come true and that the decisions you have made do not cause you any hurt or harm in your future.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Hubby

My husband is my rock.  We have been married for 11 years and have been together 13 years.  Do we have a perfect marriage, no but I think it is a pretty good one.  We meet on AOL IM because I share the same name with his mother.  He came into a ready made family and adjusted very well.  My kids loved him immediately.  I was the lucky one between us.  There have been times that he has kept me sane when I thought I would lose my mind.  On our first date I told him that if he wanted children that he needed to move on because I did not see any more children in my life.  At the time he said that he never wanted children and that it would not be a problem.  However, once we married he realized that he did want children.  Unfortunately I had my tubes tied at a early age and after the birth of my second child.  There have been discussions about trying to adopt or getting my tubes untied.  However, I did not feel it was in the best interest of our current family to pursue either of those.  Now that the kids are grown and I always put them first, we are now having second thoughts about that decision many years ago.  Having an empty house is hard at 41.  Many of our friends that are the same age have young children.  It is hard.  Fortunately we have found a new love for one another.  Our love has grown more in the last 2 years than ever before.  I appreciate him more now than I did ever before.  I have always put him behind my kids and my mother.  My mother passed away 8 years ago and then he moved to 2nd place.  Now that the kids are grown and find their own in life, he has moved to 1st place.  I am lucky that he accepted this and waited patiently for this placement.  Rob, you are my rock, soul mate, best friend and lover.  I only see our marriage getting stronger with age.  Thank you for all you do and have done for me and our kids.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our Family

I am a 41 year old mother of two and also a wife to an amazing man.  My daughter, Jessica is 22 and just graduated from Univ. of SC with a RN Degree.  My son, Justin is 19 and is attending Midlands Tech. College pursuing his Associates in Automobile Technology.  Along with them, I am attending Southern Wesleyan University pursuing my Bachelors of Science degree.  If all goes well I will graduate in May 2011.  Rob my husband, is my rock, best friend and lover.   We have been married for 11 years.  For the past 22 years I have worked for Pepsi and 99% of the time I love my job.

Okay that is a brief history of me.  Hopefully through time you will learn more about me and what my life is all about.
