Friday, May 27, 2011

The Past...

My new car has satellite radio and I have fallen in love with it.  The reason I love it is because I don't listen to music, only talk radio. The only time I listen to music (country) is when there is nothing on free radio.  Years ago Dr. Laura was on one of the local AM radio stations and I loved to listen to her.  No, I don't agree with everything she has to say but allot of her stuff makes sense.

Today I was off so I was running errands and listening to Dr. Laura on XM radio.  She made a comment or more like a statement to someone that really struck a cord with me.  "Don't let your past control your future".  How true is this!!  I know so many people that let their past determine what or how they live their life today.  I look at this as only an excuse to not take control of your life.  Yes, everyone has had something bad happen to them at some point, (divorce, something from childhood, a bad relationship, etc) but if we allow them to control how we live our lives today, then we have let that situation control you.  You are the only that can control your destiny!!!

So many things have happened to me in my 42 years here on earth, both good and bad.  I am determined to learn by them all and make my life the best it can be.  I can't do anything about the past.  If I have wronged anyone by my actions or words, I am truly sorry and I ask for your forgiveness.  All I can do at this time is try to be the best I can be whether it is a a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend or even an enemy. 

I'm closing with this passage from the bible:

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,   Philippians 3:13


Monday, May 16, 2011

Many Blessings...

The last two weekends have been busy but so full of many blessings. 

Last weekend on Saturday I walked at Southern Wesleyan University which is located in Central, SC for my BSBA.  I was fortunate to have by husband, daughter, son, Ally and wonderful in-laws Roy & Linda there to share this joyous occasion with me.  Now I just have to decide what my next steps are.  Gonna take some time off for the summer to enjoy it and saying a daily prayer for guidance in the career department.  I have faith that God will put me exactly where he wants me to be.  Also considering going for my Master's degree in the fall.  Again, I am putting my future all in God's hands because I know he will not guide me wrong.  Lastly, I am truly going to miss all 16 of my classmates that I have grown to care so much about in the last 2 years. Micha, Lynda, Alica, Steven, Michelle, Curtis, Shirley, Mary M, Stephanie, Paul, Stacy, Natasha, Dave, Renee, Mary A & especially Jason.  I wish each of you lots of luck in your future endeavors.

Mother's Day is always special but I can't help but think of my Mother.  Not a day goes by that I don't miss her and it would always make my day to try to make this day a special one for her.  This year both of my wonderful children spent the entire day with me which in itself is a gift to me especially now that they are young adults with their own lives.  Rob & the kids surprised me with a Nook color.  I absolutely love it and looking so forward to taking full advantage of it with the free time I am hoping to have now that I am done with school.  Next years Mother's day will be extra special because I will be a grandmother to a beautiful baby girl.

This Saturday we were invited to a graduation party for one of my classmates, Jason.  We had such a wonderful time.  His family made us feel so welcome.  Let's put it this way, I felt so at home I even did karaoke which I have never done.  Thanks to the Dull family for hosting such a great event. 

On Sunday we went to our nieces, Emma Kate's dedication at church.  She did so well and looked so pretty in her dress.  It meant so much to me & Rob to be a part of this wonderful experience.  I am so proud of her Mom for raising her to know God in a personal way.  Sometimes God has a way of showing us just how amazing he is at the most unexpected times.  Sunday was one of these days.  The preacher spoke the truth about a difficult subject for some but it was so inspiring and touched my heart.  I was praising the lord the entire time.  An angel also came across my path on this blessed day.  She knew just what to say at just the right time.  My heart was touched by the preacher but was warmed by the angel.  He knew just what I needed and it just made my faith in him so much stronger

I want to close by sharing the following scripture.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. - Ephesians 4:32
