Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy

On Saturday, January 22 my Dad turned 73.  My sister, Wendy organized a surprise birthday party at his retirement home.  He was so surprised. 

Even though the entire family couldn't be there, 3 of his 5 children & 2 of his 7 grandchildren were able to make this special occasion. He raked up on the presents.  It was so great to spend this special day with him & my family.  Looking so forward to celebrating many more of his birthdays.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Answered Prayers

This week I made the decision to put my total faith in GOD.  As my previous post stated I am such a worrier and stress over everything.  It has only been a few days and so far he has been working his miracles in my life.  Cannot wait to see all the amazing things that he has in store for me and my family this year and the future.

Since I know I need help in the area of worrying and stress I bought the book Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer.  So looking forward to reading this book.  I know her words will guide me in being successful in this difficult change. 

God is so awesome! 

Blessing to all....

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am a worrier.  It is just a part of me.  This is one of the area's of my life that I have struggled with most of my life.  For as long as I can remember I have worried about everything, no matter how big or small.  I have family that tell me if you can't control it, don't worry about it.  How I wish it was so simple for me.  My Dad, sister and son can handle stress and life struggles so care free.  Why didn't I inherit this trait from my Dad?  With age it has gotten somewhat better but I still struggle with this everyday.

The last year and half (especially the last 8 months) have been some of the most difficult times of my life.  The struggle of dealing with this issue/problem has impacted so much of my everyday life.   I feel that I have gradually become a different person.  Somehow I manage to go about doing what I have to because I have no choice.  Not sure how I do it but I make myself go to work, school, complete housework and whatever is required of me everyday. However, I would love to just crawl into a dark space and forget about everything. 

My husband has been so supportive during this trying time.  He is my rock & I just cannot imagine what I would do without him.  As I have said so many times, God gave me such a gift when he allowed Rob to cross my path so many years ago.  I am the lucky one in this marriage.

I don't set new year resolutions but I have been setting personal goals (see previous post).  One of my goals for this year is to try to put my worries onto God's shoulders and to let him be in control of my life.  I know this is going to be difficult but I am determined to make this work.  I am hoping that with God's help I can learn not to worry or stress so much.  Me & Rob are looking for a church that we can become a member of so that we can start living our life the way we know we are supposed to.  I know that 2011 is only going to get better and this major issue/problem will be worked out as it is supposed to because I have faith in God.

Much love,

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Personal Goals

For the past year or so I have been working on some personal goals.  So far I have accomplished or started a few on the list and hoping that within the next year I will be able to mark at least few more off.
  • Finish my Associates of Science in Business Administration - Completed in 5/2009
  • Complete a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration - Should be complete in 5/11 or 12/11
  • Get braces - Should be off by 5/2011
  • Lose 75 lbs - Hoping to get this started this year
  • Work on my relationship with my daughter
  • Find a home church for my family
  • Try to be more positive
  • Don't worry about things I cannot control
  • Live my life more like a Christian
  • Read the Bible on a daily basis
  • Get better organized in my home
  • Update our home - This has been started but it is an ongoing job
  • Try to be a better person, wife, mother, sister & friend
I could continue with many more things that I would like to accomplish but these are the ones that I look as a priority in my life.  With daily prayer I am confident that some of these will be accomplished because I have faith that God will lead me in the right direction.  Will update this list as each one is accomplished.

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
